Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, February 28, 2009

New Pajamas

Today, I had my daddy and mommy drive me to the store because I needed some new pajamas. You see, since I am so Big now, I didn't fit in my baby pajamas anymore.

My mommy is worried though. You see, my old pajamas had arm straps to keep me all wrapped up nice and snug. Here's a picture of me in my old, baby pajamas.
Tonight is the first night that I have been alive that my arms will be free!

Let's hope that this is one of those times that I am so tired that I could sleep anywhere.

(I don't have any pictures of my new pajamas yet. They are very beautiful, so I will take some pictures later and show them to you.)


  1. Can't wait to see her new pj's. I wish I could sleep sitting up.

  2. Our Mama says duct tape is good. We think she's kidding.

