Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Dear Internet,

I would like you to know that I, Elizabeth the Great, had a playdate today with my playgroup of all my friends. Then, my friends who were at my playdate but also live across the street, came over to our house to have lunchie with me.

Then, since they stayed past naptime, Mama said that for a special treat, I could skip my nap and watch some of my movie instead.

All this activity is the ONLY reason I would allow myself to be caught in such an undignified position.

Normally, I do not fall asleep in Dada's big chair, clutching a bowl of raisins.



1 comment:

  1. Miss E,

    We admire your resolve to keep playing until the very last. We knows a good conk on the couch when we see one,


