Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Christmas Lists

For Jen:

  1. A new set of stuff for the bathroom. I just bought new soap dispensers that match my plan (emerald green and sapphire blue, with some gold accents). But I could use new towels (for me, Matt just got new towels), hand towels, and bathmats. Plus anything else to make it look more polished. (Pictures? Wall things? Nothing for the counter-tops. Nothing I have to dust. Actually, nothing I have to dust is a rule for the entire house.)
  2. A le creuset cast iron dutch oven. In the cobalt blue color.
  3. I do not need any candles or bath stuff, as I am still working off presents from earlier years. Those are popular gifts when you are teaching!
  4. Kitchen rugs, blue, two large and one small for the back door, one runner for the hallway.

For Elizabeth:

She is getting a play kitchen for her birthday/Christmas from us, so:

  1. A tea set or a child set of dishes (not plastic please)
  2. A little wooden table and chairs
  3. Board books! I have a list somewhere of some that she’d (I’d) particularly like
  4. A family membership to the zoo
  5. A dresser for her bedroom
For Elizabeth, we are really trying to minimize the amount of plastic toys because of the new American Academy of Pediatrics reports on the links between childhood exposure to the chemicals in plastic and cancers.

For Matt:

Wishlist on Amazon

I shall try to add more updates later.

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