Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pumpkin Farm!

It's me, Elizabeth. I went to the pumpkin farm with all my friends that live near me and I will show you some pictures.

This is me, introducing myself to the sheep. "Hello, sheep," I said. "How are you today? Baa."

This is me (and my friend Adam) showing this kitty cat how to get some water from these pumps.

Here I am peacefully holding MY ducks. (Technically, the ducks may belong to the farm. But they were mine in affection.)

Here I am after Mama STOLE some of my ducks. Mama is mean. She said that I had to "share" with all the other kids. What is this "share?" Why shouldn't I have all the ducks even if there are other kids?

This is me and, finally, Mama got into a picture. It is amazing.

Mama got into another picture! Mama is going to be spoiled. This is us on the hay ride. I called it "farm ride" because that is a much better term, in my opinion. I also called it "fun ride" because it was fun.

See, fun ride!

Here I am, Elizabeth the great explorer, leading the way through the corn maze. Do not fear, everyone, I will ensure that we make it out!

Uh, where are we?

Corn pit! Corn pit! This is Mostest Fun and I wish for one in my house. It is a giant box and it is filled with corns. Or, if you are smart like me, you will call them "corn berries." You can sit in the corn berries and play with trucks, but you have to take your shoeses off. I stay in the corn berries for a long time, like an hour, and then I yell at Mama when she was mean and made me get out.

This is my baby friend. His name is Baby Noah and that is what I call him. I love him and I give him hugs when he is sad. (He is sad in this picture because he bite the pumpkin a little too hard. He was only sad for a second though because I give good hugs. And his Mama save him.)

These are the duck racing chutes. This is what you are supposed to do with the duckies, instead of hoarding them.

And this is the last picture. You are sad, I know. But this is me with my wheelbarrow, going through the little kid maze. Didn't they know that I already bravely led my team through the big maze?


Elizabeth, Farm Baby, who wants her own corn pit

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