Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Important Message from Our Sponsors

Peoples, it is time to be serious for a minute.

I was a lucky baby when I was born. I actually marinated for quite a while and I was born all healthy and stuff. Not all babies get to do that.

You may ask why I am holding a jar of peanut butter. Well, when some babies are born, they only weigh as much as this jar of peanut butter.

I think that stinks. So Mommy and I are going to go for a long walk to raise money to keep other babies from being born too soon.

The money goes to research to stop prematurity from happening and to help those babies that are premature.

Internet, some of our best baby friends were premature or spent some time in the NICU. If it weren't for the March of Dimes, we might not have those baby friends.
So, go to Mommy's website and donate some money to the March of Dimes. Then Mommy and I will pack up my stroller, and maybe my dog Trin, and we will March for Babies!

Because every single baby deserves to be as healthy and happy as me!


  1. You make a very good point Mz E. We were born early, but only by a little bit and we got away with it.

