Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Plan

Dear Daddy,

You have been away for several days doing something called "working." I don't understand it. But Mommy says that you are coming back tonight, so here is the plan.

First, you will tickle my face.

Because it is SO fun when you tickle my face.

Ignore my dog Scrooby trying to get in the way. He's just jealous that you tickle my face and not his.

I will give you some of my best smiles. I have been saving some for you, for when you tickle my face. Only if you do a good job tickling though. Smiles are not for free.

Then we will take a good nap together in the big chair. My dog Scrooby can come too. Even though, hehe, I got the good side of the chair! My dog Scrooby always wants this side because it isn't so windy from your fan.

So, Daddy, does that sound like a good plan to you?


  1. Elizabeth,

    I think that is a very mostest best clever plan.

    Really.Gemma agrees too.

